
Reliable electrical, heating and airconditioning services

Started by Mark Skapik in 1982, M & S Electric Service, LLC aims to give professional electric services to Dayton and surrounding communities.


If you're looking for quality electrical work at reasonable rates, then we're the choice for you. Our professionals always wear booties and will repair anything wrong!


Electrical services

If you're in need of electrical services for your home or office, think of M & S Electric Service, LLC. Get quality service and guaranteed work.

Electrical repairs done right


Whatever furnace or heating requirement you have, we can surely match it with our varied options. Trust our over 30 years of experience.

Keep your home warm with us
home_air conditioning


Stay cool with our dependable air-conditioning installations and repairs. You can also hire our professional team to maintain your A/C systems.

A/C repairs you can count on


Don't lose your cool when the power goes off. Choose our efficient generators to give you the backup you need to keep your equipment running.

Don't get left in the dark
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